Fides Code
Managing waste in the smart city era calls for the use of a traceability and tracking system able to guarantee a better and fairer service for all. The use of an unequivocal identification system makes for more intelligent management of household waste collections.
Fides Code (Frequency Identifier Double Encript Security Controlled Operation Dual Encoding) is an algorithm for the unequivocal certification of codes assigned to each waste bag or container supplied to residents for sorted waste collections. This eliminates the risk of generating repeat codes or clones and ensures that reporting can be reliable and equitable for each individual user. The Fides Code is spreading: to date we have been released over 1.5 million licensed Fides Code.
Companies that use Fides Code:
Consorzio dei Comuni dei Navigli
Fides Code, the algorithm to sort out sorted waste collection
Fides Code uses RFID technology to allow operators to identify each single bag or waste container, ensuring cities waste management companies and final consumers a service that is precise punctual and correct.
The aspect that makes the system unique, functional, certified and cost effective is a calculation algorithm that correlates the public code with the private code utilised for validation purposes.
Fides Code encodes a set of key information to assure tracking and traceability of critical details linked to sorted waste collection, including:
- container sequential code
- city code
- waste type
- container type
- volume
- service operator
- tag manufacturer
And it works every time – with or without a data connection
Fides Code guarantees complete data integrity and makes it possible to perform a range of different checks such as the type of waste associated with the tag or correct territorial competency, intercepting any wastes arriving from other cities/collection areas.
Tag scanners, if programmed with the Fides Code standard, can perform control validations, check authenticity and recognise tags automatically, thus guaranteeing the security of the procedure.
All these functions are available even without an online connection with a central server and without uploading data beforehand. This means there’s no need to equip scanners with high memory capacity or to have access to a GPRS connection to interrogate a remote database.
Manufacturer interested in Fides Code?
Whether your company makes bins, containers or bags or manufactures the tags themselves, note that:
- Fides Code is a system that guarantees each tag is original and unique without having to access local or remote databases, while the reliability of information is guaranteed constantly and in all circumstances
- Fides Code practices fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms (FRAND) because the license costs are identical for all, irrespective of the quantity of items to be tagged or produced. The only cost variable is related to two container types: Fides Code for reusable containers/bins and Fides Code for single-use bags
- Fides Code does not lead to competition between manufacturers because the costs are clear, publicly visible and identical for all, irrespective of order quantities: this means that procurement cost is not a discriminatory factor when bidding for contracts requiring the use of Fides Code
- Fides Code means value added for the manufacturer: Fides Code compliant companies can gain access to new business opportunities linked to the benefits of the technology
Whether your company is a software house, hardware manufacturer or systems integrator, note that:
- Fides Code is a system that guarantees the originality and uniqueness of tags without having to access local or remote databases, thereby guaranteeing reliability of the information
- Fides Code practices fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms (FRAND) because the license costs are identical for all, irrespective of the quantity of items to be tagged or produced. The only cost variable is related to two container types: Fides Code for reusable containers/bins and Fides Code for single-use bags
- Fides Code is available for all: this means that any company with innovative ideas and solutions cam develop new applications for organisations that use the Fides Code
- Fides Code is in the public domain: the software information and routines to use in individual applications can be obtained by anyone FREE OF CHARGE simply by signing a non-disclosure agreement.
Whether your organisation is a city council, a public body or a utility company, note that:
- Fides Code is a system that guarantees the originality and uniqueness of tags without having to access local or remote databases, thereby guaranteeing information reliability
- Fides Code practices fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms (FRAND) because the license costs are identical for all, irrespective of the quantity of items to be tagged or produced. The only cost variable is related to two container types: Fides Code for reusable containers/bins and Fides Code for single-use bags
- Fides Code is effectively in the public domain: the software information and routines to use in individual applications can be obtained by anyone FREE OF CHARGE simply by signing a non-disclosure agreement.
- Fides Code allows user organisations to remain unfettered by technical constraints without being forced to comply with proprietary systems whose technical specifications are not disclosed. This approach means the maximum freedom of action in selecting the required software and hardware from multiple manufacturers/systems integrators, also making it possible to build up hybrid systems incorporating different hardware types over time or in response to specific performance demands. This approach results in scalability and flexibility in the choices of today and tomorrow, making organisations confident that they can constantly keep abreast of technological developments, since the system can be modified at any time without impacting on investments in waste collection containers
- Fides Code is a shareable asset: organisations can advertise the service to end users, guaranteeing correct application of charges and hence correct billing costs. Thanks to guaranteed information tracking and transparency, organisations can provide users with accessible information so they can monitor their waste consignments/charges through time.
- Fides Code guarantees the reliability of the data scanned from the waste container and/or bag. This means users can rely on the fact that the applied charge is error free and without any risk of fraud, counterfeiting, anomalies or tampering.
- Fides Code guarantees the maximum traceability and transparency of information. The system makes it possible to share all collected information by making it available in a specific area so that individual users can monitor their waste consignments/charges through time.
Companies certified to provide RFID TAG Fides Code:
. Lab ID